Attracting and retaining high-quality dealers are critical to the success of most carport manufacturers. IdeaRoom is designed to be a dealer’s favorite sales tool whether selling in person, over the phone, or online. We provide multiple complementary options for supporting a dealer network and designing an effective dealer sales process and ordering workflow.

Dealer Network Support

IdeaRoom Pro and Enterprise include support for dealer networks of any size. There is no cost to the dealer, and there is no per-dealer cost for the supplier. IdeaRoom creates a unique link for each dealer to access the supplier IdeaRoom configurator with additional dealer-specific features:

Dealers are identified using a parameter that you specify and maintain in your dealer list. Examples:

You can provide dealer-specific links to dealers and customers in a number of ways:

Dealer Subscription

IdeaRoom also offers a separate subscription to carport dealers. This service targets dealers focused on selling carports as more of their primary business. These dealers invest in internet marketing. They strongly prefer to retain customers on their website. They integrate IdeaRoom deeply into their marketing and sales efforts. In some cases, dealers sell for multiple suppliers. For the purpose of servicing online dealers and a larger geographic region, multi-supplier support is reasonable and somewhat necessary.

A combination of the included Dealer Network Support with options to upgrade to an IdeaRoom Dealer subscription can help you attract high-quality dealers and provide them with tools to enhance their sales efforts on your behalf. This is one way we differentiate ourselves from our competitors. There is significant demand for a 3D configurator that addresses dealer needs. 

Dealer Capabilities

The following is a list of the most important capabilities added in the dealer subscription:

Dealer Branding Concerns

Some carport suppliers have concerns about dealer branding with a supplier dataset in IdeaRoom. We are sensitive to those concerns and work with suppliers to design a service consistent with their strategy and goals. For example, suppliers can include branding requirements in a dealer agreement or supplementary agreement:

If a supplier wants to disallow the use of a dataset for dealer subscriptions, that can be enforced in a dealer agreement, or a supplier can add white-labeling to their IdeaRoom subscription. White-labeling,