DNS Records for WIX

DNS Records for WIX


What are DNS Records: DNS records (aka zone files) are instructions that live in authoritative DNS servers and provide information about a domain including what IP address is associated with that domain and how to handle requests for that domain. These records consist of a series of text files written in what is known as DNS syntax.

This tells the internet that idearoom has permission to make a subdomain (your configurator) of your website.

Note: When adding CNAME, a warning message will appear but you can ignore this. You can add as many CNAME aliases as it allows.

Make sure you are not touching the first CNAME listed as that is the information for the homepage.


  1. Adding second CNAME, error appears and this is caused by the period at the end of the value.

    1. “.aws.” change to “.aws”

  1. When adding TXT value, an error may appear saying you are already using that URL for the CNAME portion.

    1. Ex: Entered “design.idearoombuilder.com” as the Host name for CNAME.

    2. In TXT, if you try to enter “design.idearoombuilder.com” again, it says it is already in use. You can enter the Host name as “idearoombuilder.com


Editing DNS Records: https://support.wix.com/en/article/editing-dns-records-in-your-wix-account

Adding DNS Records:https://support.wix.com/en/article/adding-dns-records-in-your-wix-account


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