How to Monitor your Configurator's Performance

All IdeaRoom customers now have the ability to explore their configurator's performance data using the Analyze tab. This feature allows users to review key performance statistics and unparalleled industry insights. Assess your business' most popular styles and sizes, review social share and AR usage, and check out how your configurator traffic stacks up against other carport businesses working with IdeaRoom.

The Analyze tab contains a slew of useful data that can assist you in more effectively marketing and selling your carports, determining how to best invest additional resources, and compare your success against that of the greater market. Available statistics in the Analyze tab include:

☑️ Submissions: Total number of saves, quotes, and purchases over last year

☑️ Cost per Submission: Your total subscription cost divided by submission count

☑️ Overall Rank: How your total number of designs compares to all other IdeaRoom clients in your industry

☑️ Tier Rank: How your total number of designs compares to IdeaRoom clients in your industry with the same size company as you

☑️ Current Month Submissions: Total number of saves, quotes, and purchases in the current month to date

☑️ Monthly Subscriptions Against Industry Average: Your submissions by month over time, separated by year and compared to the average submission performance of your entire industry

☑️ Top styles: Your most popular styles submitted by users

☑️ Top Sizes: Your most popular base sizes submitted by users

☑️ Top Siding Color: Your most popular siding colors submitted by users

☑️ Top Roofing Color: Your most popular roofing colors submitted by users

☑️ Social Sharing Totals: Count of user designs shared using social share feature

☑️ AR Totals: Count of user designs viewed with Augmented Reality “View in Your Space” feature