IdeaRoom Support by Subscription Type
Standard Support
Standard subscription provides standard support
Critical bug fixes are prioritized as urgent and not counted against support time.
Updates to supported features vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of the change.
Priority updates and edits will be addressed more quickly as availability allows.
All updates and edits will be limited to 2 hours per month.
During times of peak demand, timeframes may be extended.
Major updates or edits that require regular meetings for coordination will require a subscription upgrade or additional support costs.
Priority Support
Pro subscription provides priority support
Everything included in Standard Support.
Updates and edits will be limited to 4 hours per month.
Enterprise Support
Enterprise subscription provides enterprise support (Add-on for Pro, included in Enterprise)
Everything included in Standard and Priority Support.
Update and edit requests will be limited to 8 hours per month (including meetings and customer contact time).
Named account representative available to communicate with and help manage your support issues.
Developer Support
Developer Support is technical support for a partner or customer executing a software development or automation project for integration with or extension to IdeaRoom.
Review Developer Access & Support for a detailed outline of this service.
Types of Tickets
Critical tickets (that will not count towards Support hours) include:
Pricing that was a mistake during pricing update
Configurator is unable to design a building
Configurator is unable to submit a design
Bug that was introduced by IdeaRoom
All other tickets (that will count towards Support hours) include:
Any changes that are not critical to the functioning of the configurator
Pricing updates
Changes to verbiage
Changes to default of items
Adding additional products
Integration or webhook support