SalesView Product Tour

This section includes a product tour of SalesView for those new to the application. Note that you may not have all these options available in SalesView. The capabilities of SalesView will vary based on your IdeaRoom subscription.

SalesView is composed of two main areas: the Left panel and the Main screen. The Left panel is primarily used for navigating SalesView. The Main screen is primarily used for managing network dealers, users, and leads.

Navigating SalesView using the Left Panel

The Left Tab Panel is composed of two sections:

  • The current user (at the top)

  • SalesView tab (in the lower section)

Current User

For the current user, click the down arrow to the right of your name to do the following:

  • Edit your profile and reset your password

  • Select a SalesView site

  • View announcements of new content

  • Log out of SalesView



If your email address is associated with more than one SalesView site, you access these sites using the Current User dropdown. In the example below, the user Enrico Fermi has access to two SalesView sites: Atomic Buildings and Comet Carports. Selecting a site from this list will display the users, network dealers, and leads associated for that SalesView site.


What’s New

The What’s New announcement includes product announcements for all IdeaRoom products, including SalesView. This dialog is automatically shown once upon login but can be viewed through the Current User menu.


SalesView Content (Leads, Dealers, Users)

The area indicated by #1 below is the tab bar where you can navigate among content within SalesView.


  • Leads. Displays all saved configurations. You will see one row for every save, quote, or checkout to which you have permissions.

  • Dealers. Available for clients with a Pro Supplier subscription. On this tab, you will be able to update dealer information for your network dealer sites.

Dealers who have a paid Dealer subscription with IdeaRoom will have access to their own SalesView site. The Dealers tab is available for managing network dealers who are in the client’s onboarded dealer network.

  • Users. The list of users who have access to SalesView and their permissions.

  • Site Links. The link on the left will open the IdeaRoom configurator site. If you have multiple sites registered for the SalesView site, you will see multiple links. If you have dealer permissions, the link will open to your specific dealer site.

The previous version of SalesView had another tab “Sales Tools” that gave users permissions to use Sales Tools with their IdeaRoom site. This capability has been incorporated into the Sales permission on the Users tab. For clients who have a Professional subscription, any user with Sales permissions will be able to login to Sales Tools.


Managing SalesView using the Main Screen


The Leads tab (#2 below) displays all saved configurations, including saves, quotes, and checkouts.

You can customize the columns shown by clicking on the Columns icon in the right corner. You can filter the list of leads shown by clicking the Filter button on the upper left corner of the main screen.

Click on a row in the leads tab to see more information about that configuration, including the reference number, quote amount, style, and an image of the saved design.

For the Created field, you will also find the IP address of the computer where the design was saved.

To find a specific configuration, use the Search box. This will filter the list to the rows that match your search criteria.

Links that are opened from the Leads tab (by clicking the icon under the Design header) will retain the customer information saved with the design. This provides a more seamless workflow when collaborating with customers on designs.


The dealers tab includes dealers who have a site based on your existing configurator site. These dealer sites are shown with a “dealer=dealerName” after your configurator URL in the browser address bar:

When you first open SalesView, you may have a notification bar indicating that the dealers have been added by your customer success rep. To manage your dealers in SalesView, you will need to Import the dealer list.

To configure or update dealers, see “Managing Dealers with SalesView”


The Users tab manages access to SalesView. Users can have three permission levels: Admin, Manager, and Sales. For a description of these permissions, see SalesView Permissions.

When new users are added, they receive an email with a temporary password and a link to SalesView. They must click the link and register a new password to gain access to the site.


The Pricing tab allows users with Admin permissions to make pricing changes. Users can choose one of three options: No Change, Apply a surcharge or discount, and Change prices of line items. For a description of these options, see Sites: Branding Updates using SalesView.

Pricing changes made in this tab will not change or overwrite the original prices that your IdeaRoom agent has entered in the system. If you make a pricing change in this tab and later decide you want to remove those pricing changes, you can simply select No Change and your original prices will be restored.


The Sites tab allows users with Admin permissions to manage and change a variety of site settings. The settings are organized in sections within the sites tab.

Basic Information Section

  • Change your phone number, address and home link URL

  • Disable Sharing

  • Disable AR (View in your space)

  • Enable autosaving of designs (Not recommended if using Modern Layout)

Email and Contact Section:

  • Update contact email

  • Set the reply to and CC email addresses

  • Choose which invoice format to use and if want to attach a pdf to the emails

  • Select who should receive an email when a design is submitted


  • Update Configurator Logo

  • If the logos in your emails are too big, add a smaller email logo to be used exclusively in the email

  • Watermark images (PRO Feature)

  • Show logo below estimate (Classic Layout only)

  • Show logo on mobile

Layout, Colors and Scene:

  • Choose from different layout options (Modern or Classic)

  • Update the Scene Background settings

  • Update Site branding colors

Information Panel:

  • Show custom text in the configurator to promote Sales, Discounts or other messaging.


  • Set the pricing visibility; hidden, summarized, protected and many more options.


  • Set floor plan full page option (Classic Layout only)

  • Add grid dimensions to the floorplans

  • Use floorplan grid dimensions legend


The Analyze tab provides users with Admin permissions reports showing your configurator’s performance and industry insights.

The analyze tab will provide a running log of all submissions the configurator has captured within the last year, monitor the average cost of IdeaRoom leads, and compare your performance against others in your industry and within your tier group.

Monthly performance will also be displayed allowing you to analyze how your configurator is tracking across current month, previous months, and compared to the industry standard.

As you scroll down, you’ll have access to product usage information; styles, sizes, and more. This is a great way to understand your most popular offers and create data driven marketing campaigns.

The social sharing chart allows you to analyze how many shares have been submitted across; facebook, twitter, pinterest, or email/phone.

The “View in Your Space” chart shows how many users have opened the augmented reality feature and how many have actually viewed their design in their yard or in their space.

To learn more about the Analyze tab, you can access this video