Updating your Email

  1. Navigate to the “Sites” tab.

  2. Under “Email and Contact,” set your email. This is the address that will appear in the “from” field of designs that are emailed to users. Note that you have the option to set a different reply to address. You can also set another email address in the “quote-and-copy-to” field if you would like quotes to compile in a different inbox. Most of our clients check the two boxes to use one email address for all of these options.

  3. When a value has been updated, the “PREVIEW” button will change from gray to a highlighted color. Click this button to view what changes will look like in your configurator.

  4. Review your configurator pop-up to confirm that your changes are shown.

  5. Close the preview, and if you are happy with your changes, click the “PUBLISH” button.

  6. Your changes are now live on your site!