Updating Logos & Watermarks
Navigate to the “Sites” tab.
Scroll down to the section labeled “Logos”
Click on your existing logo and update the logo in your configurator, the logo that appears in your emails, or the logo that appears in your watermarks (Pro feature only).
If you have a watermark, you can update the style field. This will determine where your watermark is placed in reference to the 3D building models in your configurator.
You also have the option to enable or disable your logo on mobile and as a small icon beneath your estimate in the configurator.
When a value has been updated, the “PREVIEW” button will change from gray to a highlighted color. Click this button to view what changes will look like in your configurator.
Close the preview, and if you are happy with your changes, click the “PUBLISH” button.
Your changes are now live on your site!