Resolving Issues when IdeaRoom Doesn't Load Properly

IdeaRoom stores small files on your local computer, such as icons and textures. These files are stored in your computer’s browser cache. Occasionally, these files may become outdated and cause IdeaRoom to not load properly. When this occurs, you may see IdeaRoom load with a blurry model window.

To resolve this, you can proactively clear your browser’s cache

  1. Click the Menu button in the upper right corner of your browser (⋮)

  2. Select Clear browsing data

  3. Check the boxes for Cached images and files

  4. Click Clear data


The steps for your specific browser may be different, but all browsers support the ability to clear cached images and files.

Typically, IdeaRoom files will expire and be restored over a period of time, so this situation should not be common. However, when IdeaRoom updates their software, stale files are more likely to exist in the browser cache that are incompatible with the updates.