Moving the Location of an Electrical Package Item

An electrical package places multiple components on the interior or exterior of your building at the same time. The locations shown are default locations specified by the building manufacturer. Depending on the manufacturer’s specification, you may be able to change the location of these items.

To move an item added with an electrical package to another wall

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the item (such as an outlet or a switch) and click Remove.

  2. You will be prompted with a message indicating that you must add it again before you complete the design. Typically, an electrical package comes with a specific number of items. So if you remove it from one wall, you must add it to another to complete the package prior to purchase. On this message, click Remove.

  3. On the interior of the building, select the wall where you will be moving the item (by clicking on the wall).

  4. In the right panel, click the item that you removed (for example, an outlet) to place it on the selected wall.

  5. Drag the item to the location on the wall where you would like it install.

Click the Pencil icon next to the item you want to move and click Remove.
Confirm that you want to remove it from the current wall.