Updating prices using Excel

Updating prices using Excel

For a more robust editing experience, you can export your pricing tables to Excel (or other tabular format). After you’ve made changes in Excel, copy-and-paste the updated pricing cells to the IdeaRoom pricing table.

To export a pricing table for Excel

  1. On the Pricing tab, select Base.

  2. On the left panel, select the pricing sheet for the building prices you want to export.

  3. On the right panel, select the table you want to export.

  4. Right-click a cell and select Export. You may choose to export a XLSX or a CSV file. The file will be downloaded to your local downloads directory.


To move a pricing table from Excel to IdeaRoom

  1. In Excel, copy the pricing cell block you wish to move. Do not include the row or column titles or headers in your copy action.

  2. In IdeaRoom, select the related cells in the pricing table and paste.

  3. Preview the changes to ensure they are correct.

  4. Publish the updates, providing a note about the changes. The new prices will now be used on your IdeaRoom Configurator.

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